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banking jobs in UAE | Invest Bank careers

 banking jobs in UAE | Invest Bank careers

banking jobs in UAE | Invest Bank careers

Invest Bank announced, through its Linkedin account, a bank job in UAE (Senior Internal Auditor – Information System and Cyber Security) according to the following:

  • Assisting Manager in developing IT audit Universe and annual IT audit Plan. 
  • Assess the bank’s information system & cybersecurity audit program to ensure the bank’s IT systems are secured and information security risk and exposure to vulnerabilities is minimised. 
  • Assess to manage, develop, implement a dynamic multi-year risk-based assurance plan for the bank's IT systems and cybersecurity program
  • Assess that all IT services are compliant with agreed quality, performance and customer experience standards; or have realistic plans in place to address areas requiring remediation. 
  • Performs general and application control audit for simple to complex computer information systems.
  • Performs information control reviews to include system development standards, operating procedures, system security, programming controls, communication controls, backup and disaster recovery, and system maintenance.
  • Performs reviews of internal control procedures and security for systems under development and/or enhancements to current systems.
  • Effectively working with Internal Audit co-sourcing partner(s) as required to ensure that we execute as one team.
  • Prepares audit finding memoranda and working papers to ensure that adequate documentation exists to support audits and conclusions.
  • Prepares reports and other technical information in a pertinent, concise, and accurate manner for review of Manager and Chief Audit Officer.
  • Consults with internal and external stakeholders on various operational issues related to computerized information systems, and on general business operations as needed. 
  • Collect and understand legal and regulatory compliance standards to be used for business or services.
  • Follows up on audit findings to ensure that management has taken timely corrective action(s).
  • Assists and trains other audit staff in the use of computerized audit techniques, and in developing methods for review and analysis of computerized information systems.
  • Assist the fraud investigators in collecting and documenting IT and digital related evidence. 
  • Keep himself updating with respect to relevant technology, equipment, cybersecurity, digital, systems, IT and Internal Audit standards & tools.
  • Develop and maintain productive working relationship with all relevant stakeholders, continuously engaging stakeholders to minimize disputes while maintaining independence and objectivity.
  • Ensure the timely completion of internal audit engagements.
  • Ensuring that Internal Audit Reports are prepared objectively in a timely manner and in accordance with Internal Audit and other applicable standards.
  • Must have a degree in Computer Engineer or Computer Science from a reputable and accredited University, ideally with a focus on Cyber / Information Security;
  • Must have at least one certificate CISA/CISSP
  • Must have at least one of the relevant Cloud Computing Certification i.e. Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK), Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP), Certificate of Cloud Auditing Knowledge (CCAK).
  • A minimum of 10+ yrs. experience of Information System and Cyber security Audits in a reputable local or Regional Bank including audit of (infrastructure, network, internal/external threats, Banking Application controls, cloud computing audit, Core banking System.
  • Have an in-depth understanding of IT controls around technical environments and evaluation of risk-based controls across functional IT areas including networks, firewalls, vulnerability management, systems development, information security, database management and project management.

To know more details about the vacancy and how to apply kindly check the link below:

apply from here

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