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bank job In UAE | Mashreq Bank careers emirates

 bank job In UAE | Mashreq Bank careers emirates 

Banking Jobs In UAE | Mashreq Bank careers

Mashreq Bank announced, through its Linkedin account, a bank job Senior Investment Advisor according to the following

  • Primary mandate is to perform Investment Advisory (IA)
  • Manage and keep oversight of the substantial book of Fixed Income on clients portfolios across the various commercial segments of the bank
  • Support the Private Banking activity and act effectively to retain clients in case of departure of a RM
  • Actively cooperate to create the area’s view in all matters related to investments and on how to turn them into marketable products
  • Supervise and mange junior staff acting as a mentor for them on subjects related to the IA area
  • The Senior Investment Advisor must produce sound research inputs which must help the area to efficiently analyze, propose and implement investment solutions for clients across all commercial segments;
  • Monitor, rebalance and restructure portfolios in order to generate higher levels of satisfaction from the clients; 
  • The Senior Investment Advisor must deliver customized solutions to Relationship Managers and/ or directly to the clients as requested;
  • He/ She will work closely with the existing base of clients, his/ her performance should not be measured by the new accounts added but by the performance of the portfolios and the revenue generated to the bank (ROA) through the client segments allocated.
  • Clear understanding of macroeconomic research and the ability to convert research inputs into actual investments.
  • Experience in investment advisory, financial markets and economic analysis.
  • Skilled and knowledgeable on developments in the banking and asset management industries.
  • Thorough understanding of products and investment instruments.
  • Thorough knowledge of strategic and tactical asset allocation fundamentals.
  • Knowledge on risk profiling of clients with reference to choosing the right product for the right investor.
  • Knowledge of financial markets, products, financial instruments, correlations, portfolio managemet theory.

Details and apply for this Mashreq Bank career as follows:

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