The Truths About Being a Digital Marketer That You Won't Find Online
There are a lot of digital marketing blogs out there. The internet is awash with marketing advice and case studies, but what you won’t find so readily is candid insight into what it’s really like to be a digital marketer in today’s online landscape.
This blog comes from someone who has been there and done that – from the long nights spent learning about new algorithms, to the constant pressure of metrics, to the feeling of isolation as an ONLY digital marketer in an agency.
In this blog you will find some hard truths about being a digital marketer. These truths might not be comfortable or exciting to read, but they are all things that experienced marketers have learned over time.
Digital Marketing Is Constantly Changing
When people think of marketing, they often think of printed posters, radio campaigns, and TV commercials.
But digital marketing isn’t about communicating your message to the world. Instead, it’s about understanding your audience, their needs and behaviors, and determining what you can do to help solve their problems.
If you try to do printed posters in 2018, you’ll be behind the times. And if you try to use TV commercials in 2019, you’ll be even further behind.
In digital marketing, you need to constantly be updating your strategy with what’s new and trending in technology. As soon as you feel like you’ve nailed one aspect of your strategy, something else will change and make what you’re doing obsolete.
You Won’t Always Have the Tools You Want
When you start out as a digital marketer, you might be excited to have a brand new computer and all the latest software.
You’ll probably be really stoked on the thought of using Google Analytics and Adobe Premiere Pro to create video content, or using Hootsuite to manage all your social media.
But unfortunately, you might have to use all of those things for years before your company ever gives you the budget for them. This has happened to almost every digital marketer out there.
You’ll be excited to use a tool to make your job easier, only to find out that it costs 100 dollars per month.
It’s not easy to get funding for digital marketing tools when your organization is focused on keeping costs low.
Sure, you can explain that the tool will help increase your bottom line, but ultimately an accounting department will decide whether or not you get it.
People in Your Organization Might Not Understand Marketing
Ideally, marketing is a department that every part of the organization understands. Everyone knows that marketing is the driving force behind sales and leads. But the reality is that marketing is the department that no one understands.
Not the CEO, not the CFO, and definitely not the board of directors. People outside of marketing might not understand what it does and why it’s important.
They might not understand the time commitment and effort required to create a marketing strategy.
They might not understand why you need to keep up with trends and technology in a fast-changing digital landscape.
They might even resent you for asking for more time and resources when they see other departments getting by with less.
It’s Very Hard to Find Good Employees for Your Team

Before you ever even think about hiring marketers, you might want to hire a couple of admins and maybe a couple of project managers.
Hiring is already a very difficult process, but when you are trying to find people to work in digital marketing, it gets even harder.
People who want to work in digital marketing are often nerds who love technology and numbers.
They are people who love to research new trends and try out new things. And unfortunately, those people might not be the most organized, reliable, or responsible people on the planet.
You’ll be lucky if you can ever find someone who is self-driven and motivated to do their job.
The Bottom Line
Digital marketing is a constantly evolving field that requires constant education and effort to stay on top of trends and technology.
If you can handle the constant change, you will be rewarded with a constant increase in revenue and ROI for your company.
If you’re willing to put in the time and effort, you’ll be able to constantly grow your knowledge and skills.
You’ll be able to see your job transforming from one month to the next as new trends and technologies come out.
The best part is that you can do all of this while sitting in your pajamas and sipping coffee from your favorite mug. No one will ever know how hard you are working.